
Bushlexia 美國小布希總統英語積非成是



發表美國現任總統布希 (George W. Bush) 從開始競選美國總統,受到全國性注目以來,他的英文表方式成為美國國內和國際上的笑柄。論政治人物的被流傳的笑話數量,當屬美國前任總統柯林頓與現任總統拔得頭籌不分高下。柯林頓的笑話是環繞在他與白宮實習生莫尼卡‧ 魯文斯基的性醜聞之上,小布希則是以他在英文的拼字和文法錯誤上被媒體大作文章。

美國總統喬治小布希在 2007 6 9 日在羅馬梵諦岡教皇私人圖書館,會見教皇本篤十六世( Benedict XVI ),在回答教皇他是否在美國大使館會見世俗教會的神職人員時,小布希沒有遵照國際禮儀回答 ”Yes, Your Holiness” (是的,聖駕),而是用對一般國賓的敬詞 ”Yes, Sir.” 。再加上布希的坐姿是翹者二郎腿的德州牛仔舉止,引起講究繁文縟節的天主教外交圈的疵議。根據天主教禮儀,不管對方是一國之尊的元首或者一介平民,只有兩種方式稱呼天主教教宗,一個是第二人稱的 “Your Holiness” 或者第三人稱的 ”Holy Father” (聖父)。


2007 5 7 日英國女王伊莉莎白二世訪問美國,慶祝英國移民美洲大陸 400 年。在女王正式拜訪白宮,這是高齡 81 歲在為 55 年的女王第 11 次訪問美國。布希總統在致歡迎詞時說溜了嘴,引起眾人大笑。以下是布希致詞的片段:


"The American people are proud to welcome your majesty back to the United States, a nation you've come to know very well. After all you've dined with 10 US presidents. You've helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17 - in 1976,"

「美國人民自豪地歡迎女王陛下來訪。美國是女王熟知的國家,畢竟您曾經和 10 任美國總統進過餐。您曾經幫助過我們的國家在 17.. 年慶祝過建國 200 週年慶 ..1976 年。」


布希總統說錯了年代,一下把女王增加了 200 歲變成 281 歲的超級人瑞。布希說溜嘴後怯生生的回顧女王一眼,女王面帶微笑從她黑灰色的禮貌帽沿下回視布希總統。布希總統不愧是見過場面的政治人物,在知道自己說溜嘴後,臨場反應脫搞演出,臨時加上這一句 ”She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child," (她看著我的眼神,完全是一派母親看著自己兒子的臉色。)這一句話引起了現場一陣笑聲,也化解了先前說溜嘴的尷尬。


畢竟英國女王也不是省油的燈,晚上女王在英國駐美大使官邸答宴美國總統時,她老人家在自己的地盤上展開反擊 " Mr. President, I wondered whether I should start this toast saying I was here in 1776 but I don't think I will." (總統閣下,我不曉得在舉杯之前是否該表示現在是 1776 年,但是我想我不會這樣講)。






另外一次是 2005 9 16 日布希參加聯合國第 60 次大會,各國領袖雲集。布希內急想上廁所,寫了一張字條遞給旁邊的國務卿康朵莎‧ 萊絲,字條內容被路透社記者拍到騰載全球媒體,成為布希治國能力問題的一個笑柄。字條內容: ” "I think I MAY NEED A BATH room break? Is it possible?”  ( 我想我內急想上個廁所,可能辦得到嗎?)


如果讀者在網路上查詢「布希主義」 (Bushism) 這個字,結果看到的十之八九都是描述布希在英文上犯的錯誤,而不是他的政治主張。其實所謂的「布希主義」是指他在國際政治上推動的美國霸權的想法與作為。布希的智囊團有兩大來源,第一是擔任德州州長時周圍的策士,第二是他父親總統任內打過入侵伊拉克戰爭的國防部和軍方人士。在德州人直來直往的個性,以及前朝鷹派遺臣的影響下,「布希主義」成為美國新霸權主義的代名詞。


針對布希英文獨特的造詣的所形成的「布希主義」,比國際政治的現實有趣的多了。英文有個單字 dyslexia ,意思是識字困難或者閱讀困難症狀。小布希總統雖然系出名門家學淵源,而且獲得耶魯大學的企管碩士學位,是美國歷屆總統中少數讀到碩士學位的總統,但是在英文表現上連高中生都不如,所以媒體懷疑他的了所謂的「識字困難症」,美國媒體還為小布希特別創造了一個新字 Bushlexia( 布希識字困難症 )




有一篇網路上的文章 ( ) 比較柯林頓總統與小布希總統的人格、作風、和政績,中間有一項是「對英文語言的影響」 (Influence on the English Language) 。柯林頓在這方面的「影響力」是改變了傳統「男女性關係的定義」。在他被調查與白宮助理 Monica 的性醜聞的時候,他在證詞中堅稱「與一位女性口交,或將雪笳煙塞入對方陰部的行為,尚未到達與對方發生性關係的程度。」小布希總統對英文的「影響力」則在於創造了許多新字和名句。例如: misunderestinate ( 錯低估 ) strategery Our nation must come together to unite.


下面四個英文字都是出自小布希之口,結果積非成是在 2003 年竟然被接受成為英語的新字,可見政治人物的影響力 ( wolffiles249.html)

錯估與低估。 "I think anybody who doesn't think I'm smart enough to handle the job is misunderestimating."  小布希的經典用法 : "They misunderestimated me." (Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000) 這個「新字」經過統計在網路上被使用過的次數,不論出於諷刺或者引述,總計出現了 11,000 次之多。


Embetter: 變得更好。小布希的經典用法 : "I want to thank the … people who made the firm and solemn commitment to work hard to embetter themselves." (Washington, D.C., April 18, 2002)

使 .. 共鳴。小布希的經典用法 : "This issue doesn't seem to resignate with the people." (Portland, Ore., Oct. 31, 2000) 

瞭解外交政策的。小布希的經典用法 : "I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy." (Redwood, Calif., Sept. 27, 2000)

分析。小布希的經典用法 : "This case has had full analyzation and has been looked at a lot. I understand the emotionality of death penalty cases." (June 23, 2000)





"The vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world," the president said. "We will find these people and we will bring them to justice. "  (


“Security is the essential roadblock to achieving the road map to peace.” 安全是獲致和平的路徑上必要的「路障」。)


“We need an energy bill that encourages consumption.” (我們需要一個鼓勵能源消耗的法案),德州石油佬可講出心裡的話了。

“I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican”(我不是問題的一部分,我是一個共和黨員)。
這叫做風馬牛不相及。  “I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully.”(我認為人類和魚類可以和平相處)。 拜託,希望這句話是對「水族館同業公會」會員,而非對「共和黨全國釣魚者俱樂部」會員所發表的。

"I know I’m ready for the job (presidency). And if not, it is just the way it goes.” (我知道我已經準備好接任總統這份工作,假如不是的話,各位也只好認了。)

“It is clearly a budget. It’s got a lot of numbers in it.” (這明顯是一份預算資料,因為裡面有許多數字)。


“Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.”( 很坦白地說,老師是教育我們小孩的唯一職業。)這也需要坦白而對嗎?

“You've also got to measure in order to begin to effect change that's just more — when there’s more than talk, there’s just actual—a paradigm shift.”
這句話的意義至今還沒有人能夠解讀,且讓作者試試:「你必須也能溝衡量才能開始造成改變 這樣的改變不是說說而已,而是一個真正的典範轉移。」

“All up and down the different aspects of our society, we had meaningful discussions. Not only in the Cabinet Room, but prior to this and after this day, our secretaries, respective secretaries, will continue to interact to create the conditions necessary for prosperity to reign.”
這也是小布希有名英文迷魂陣:「我們社會不同層面所有的升降,都曾經做過認真的討論。不只是在內閣會議室 .. 不論在這天之前或之後,我們的部長們、相關的部長們,會繼續互動以創造一個讓繁榮可以君臨的條件。」

“The true strength of America happens when a neighbor loves a neighbor just like they'd like to be loved themselves. “ 

"Now, we talked to Joan Hanover. She and her husband, George, were visiting with us. They are near retirement—retiring—in the process of retiring, meaning they're very smart, active, capable people who are retirement age and are retiring.” (
當我們和瓊恩‧ 漢諾威女士對談的時候。她和先生喬治正在拜訪我們。他們接近退休狀態 正在退休中 …. 在退休的過程中。我的意思是他們是很聰明、活躍、和有能力的人,他們到達退休年齡,而且正在退休中。)布希總統,該退休的應該是您吧!
“I want to thank members of my administration who are here who will be involved in the implementation of some of the initiatives that I've outlined to the United States Congress. The Secretary of Education is here, Rod Paige, behind me. John Ashcroft is here... And, most importantly, Alma Powell, secretary of Colin Powell, is with us.” (
我要謝謝在這兒的行政部門團隊的成員,他們參與執行了我對美國國會簡報的一些方案。教育部長羅德‧ 佩吉在我身後、約翰 艾許克羅夫在此,還有最重要的是國務卿鮑威爾的秘書愛瑪也和我們在一起。)天啊!在所有的執政團隊成員裡,最重要的一人竟是國務卿的女秘書!
“The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself.” (
“I think the American people—I hope the American—I don't think, let me—I hope the American people trust me.” (
我認為美國人民 .. 我相信美國人民 我不認為 .. 讓我 ... 我相信美國人民會信任我。)

“President Bush called Sen. Paul Wellstone 'a plainspoken fellow' who did his best for Minnesota and the United States. “I would like to express my deep condolences for the loss of the Senate,' Bush said shortly after hearing of Wellstone's death Friday. 'And also, I would like to express my condolences to the bereaved family. “

“I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood with me in the Rose Garden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose:
you disarm, or we will .” 
這是小布希在美國國會中兩黨辯論應否出兵伊拉克時,小布希說出的一句「名言」 ”You disarm, or we will.” 字面的意思是「你伊拉克不解除武裝,那我美國就自己解除。」實際上小布希的意思是 ”You disarm, or we will disarm you.”

“We are in for a long struggle, and I think Texans understand that. And so do Americans.

“It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.”

“We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House—make no mistake about it.”

“I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change.”(

“It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our imports come from overseas.”

“A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.”(

“We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.” (

“I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday ticket counters and airplanes will fly out Ronald Reagan International Airport.”

For NASA, space is still a high priority.


“If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.” (假如我們沒有成功,就等於我們冒了失敗的風險)。 這是典型的小布希「對稱式」廢話模式範例之一。

“I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.” (我在過去做了好的判斷,我已經在未來作了好的判斷。)

“When I have been asked who caused the riots and the killing in LA, my answer has been direct & simple: “Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame.” “Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame.”

“We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe.”

“Home is important. It's important to have a home.”
這是典型的小布希「對稱式」廢話模式範例之五。  “


Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be an assignment.”

“The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants.”

“I would have to ask the questioner. I haven't had a chance to ask the questioners the question they've been questioning.

“I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe – what I believe I believe is right.”

“This is Preservation Month. I appreciate preservation. It is what you do when you run for president. You gotta preserve. 



"When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and you knew exactly who they were. It was us versus them, and it was clear
who them was . Today we are not so sure who the they are , but we know they're there."
短短的一段文字份了兩個文法錯誤。前者應該是 “ who they were” 後者是 ” who they are.”

"Laura and I are proud to call John and Michelle Engler our friends. I know you're proud to call him governor.
What a good man the Englers are .”— What a good mistake they are!
這一個好人真多。   “

I know
there's a lot of young ladies who are growing up wondering whether or not they can be champs. And they see the championship teams from USC and University of Portland here, girls who worked hard to get to where they are, and they're wondering about the example they're setting. What is life choices about?”

這是大家一眼就看出來第一句和最後的一句的 be 動詞應該是複數 ( 第一句應該是 ..there are a lot of young ladies… 最後依據應該是 What are life choices about?)

“We’ll let our friends be peacemakers and the great country called America will be the
peacemakers .”
第一、到底讓朋友當「和平締造者」,還是美國自己要當「和平締造者」?第二、美國 America 這個偉大的國家是單數,所以上一句話的最後一個字應該是單數。

It is wonderful to be here at Harrison High. I'm honored to be in the presence of the principal, Donnie Griggers. I want to
thank he and his staff -- (applause) -- he and his fine staff for putting up with the entourage.”


“It's money that -- that will recognize that power is best when it's disbursed to the people we're trying to help.”

柯旗化先生的新英文法動詞篇開宗明義就說,及物動詞後面所接的代名詞必須是受格,布希總統你怎麼不知道呢? 「金錢的力量在被分配到我們想要幫助的人的身上時最受到認可。」各位讀者若把這句話你翻成英文一定比小布希翻得好。

“Perhaps the biggest problem is that we have passed children from grade to grade, year after year, and those --
child hadn't learned the basics of reading and math.”


“Rarely is the questioned asked:
Is our children learning?” “Laura and I really don't realize how bright our children is sometimes until we get an objective analysis.


“Drug therapies are replacing a lot of medicines as we used to know it.”

找出錯誤:請參閱南一書局英文文法第一章名詞可數與不可數名詞的解釋。  “

I understand small business growth. I was one.”

小布希是美國總統不是 growth 。他應該把整句說出來 I was the one who understands the growth of small business.

is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.”

短短一句話,犯了兩個文法錯誤,帥耶!(第一、家庭是複數 be 動詞也該用複數。第二、是夢想插翅高飛,而非翅膀會作夢。)

○○ 二年九月十六日小布希在愛我華州發表關於經濟成長演講時,一位美國新聞從業人員 Steve Marshall 聽到總統提及如何把政府稅收回饋給工商業界的時候,連續聽到他講了三次 “to produce a 'gooder ' service.”

怪不得他自認自己是美國有史以來 goodest 的總統。(形容詞比較級錯誤之一)

“I want it to be said that the Bush administration was a results-oriented administration…… will make America what we want it to be—a literate country and a
hopefuller country.”


"“Will the highways on the Internet become more few ?”

“There's nothing
more deep than recognizing Israel's right to exist. That's the most deep thought of all. ... I can't think of anything more deep than that right.”



“Whatever it took to help Taiwan defend theirself .” themselves 他們)會盡其所能幫助台灣自衛。這是小布希總統在二 ○○ 一年四月二十五日「早安美國」的節目中說的話。就和他所說過許多錯的話、錯的字一樣,最後都不算數。

“Israel has got responsibilities,” Mr. Bush said. “Israel must deal with the settlements. Israel must make sure there's a
continuous territory that Palestinians call home.”

這段話的問題出在「 continuous territory 」這個關鍵字上。什麼叫巴勒斯坦人稱為家園的「持續的囤墾區」?小布希此語一出,幕僚也傻住了。後來在白宮發佈的新聞稿中在 continuous 後面用括弧加了一個字 contiguous 作為更正之意。 Contiguous 是鄰近的意思,好像對得上。真是佩服幕僚們掰出這個小布希聽都沒聽過字,算是幫老闆解了圍。

“You're free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it'll take time to restore chaos and order—order out of chaos. But we will.”


“Did you catch Dubya calling Saddam a “homocidal maniac” on TV today? Long “o,” “homocidal”!

小布希很興奮發現專門諷刺他的漫畫專欄作家 Dubya 也認為海珊是個殺人狂,可是他把殺人魔 homicide maniac 說成了字典上沒有的 homocidal maniac 了。

“One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'.”

對不起! ”to be prepared” 是三個字。總統先生,您算錯了。

“We've tripled the amount of money—I believe it's from $50 million up to $195 million available.”


“And job creation and economic security, as well as homeland security, are two most important priorities, we face. “


“The future will be better tomorrow.”


“I think war is a dangerous place.”


“The law I sign today directs new funds and new focus to the task of collecting vital intelligence on terrorist threats and on weapons of
mass production .”

報告總統先生:不是大量「生產」的武器,是大規模「毀滅」 (destruction) 的武器。

“Welcome to Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts.”


“I have a different vision of leadership.
A leadership is someone who brings people together.”

是一條船還是一個人?答案是都不是。(正確的講法應該是 The leadership is the ability to bring people together to acheive the vision.)

“We ought to make the pie
higher .”

政客們都知道要把餅做大,唯獨小布希要把餅堆高。  

“I am mindful not only of preserving executive powers for myself, but for
predecessors as well.”

我所在意的是不僅要為我自己保持總統的權力,而且也要為我的「前任」著想。小布希又再度顛倒時空把「繼任者」 (successors) 說成了「前任者」 (predecessors)

“The important question is, how many hands have I
shaked ?”

任何一本基礎新英文法動詞篇開宗明義就提到 shake 是不規則動詞,過去式是 shook  ,過去分詞是 shaken  

“ These people don't have tanks. They don't have ships. They hide in caves. They send
suiciders out.”

英文沒有 suicider 這個字,謝謝總統,幫阿富汗的烈士創了一個好用的新字「自殺者」。

misunderestimated me.”

這句話是小布希當年在阿肯色州競選的時候說的。 Misunderestimate 這個小布希自創的新字是「布希英語用法」中的經典之作。據說,這個把「錯估」與「低估」這兩個意思合而為一的單字,已經被認可一個新字。大家從此以後不可「錯低估」小布希總統的英文能力了。  “

If the
terriers and bariffs are torn down, this economy will grow.”

“bariffs” 這兩個字錯得太離譜,連電腦上的拼字檢查都無從建議正確的拼法。第一個字的正確的拼法是 tariff ( 關稅 ) ,第二個字是 barrier( 障礙 ) 。其實小布希並非不知道這兩個字的拼法,只是把兩個字的字尾互換造成了讀者的 dyslexia ( 識字困難症 )


小布希是典型美國地方政客出身的政治領袖,又當過夜郎自大的德州州長,國際地理知識貧乏,是歷屆總統之最。  “

Border relations between Canada and Mexico have never been better.”

加拿大和墨西哥的邊界關係從來沒有比現在更好過。小布希氣死自己的地理老師。  “

We spent a lot of time talking about Africa, as we should. Africa is a nation suffers from incredible disease. “


“Yeah they are in Hawaii, but he is not going to rest until they are on U.S. soil.”


“I've got very good relations with President Mubarak and Crown Prince Abdallah and the King of Jordan, Gulf Coast countries.”


“Keep good relations with the Grecians.”

與希臘人民保持良好關係。希臘 (Greece)– 希臘的 (Grecian)- 希臘人 (Greek) 。小布希說:「我是美國總統,希臘人聽得懂就好,關你們媒體屁事。」

“If the East Timorians decide to revolt, I'm sure I'll have a statement.”

假如東帝汶人決定要起而反抗(印尼)的話,我確定我們會有主張。小布希對德州以外的事物都不感興趣,而且知識貧乏。帝汶 (Timor) – 帝汶人 (Timorese)

“Kosovians can move back in.”

科索伏人可以搬回(故土)去。」科索伏( Kosovo - 科索伏人 (Kosovsar).



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